Thank You


We are indebted to our Donors for their ongoing support:

Open Music Foundation

- for supporting our young musicians by way of scholarship and other grants; for providing regular concert opportunities; for hosting fundraising concert to raise funds for the RMA and for funding the movie about the LRMA;

Tzukanov Family Foundation

Tsukanov Family Foundation - for scholarship grants and advice on fundraising projects; 

Dr Anna Zelkina - for donation towards the purchase of Fazioli piano; providing scholarship grants and other support of our young musicians; 

Tatiana and Andrei Levin - for donation towards the purchase of Fazioli piano; 

Elena Broun - for scholarship and other grants.

We would also like to thank everyone who donated to our recent Fundraising Project "Walking for the Music":

Julia Crenian; Jelena Kozlova; Maria Smith; Tatiana Smirnova; Clifton family; Buraschi family; P Baron; Yuqi Li family; Gudjalov family; Katerina Badaeva; Sui family; Stevenson family; Nina Vorontsova; De Morais family; Shilov family; Lisa Phillips; Mary Gilbert; Min Li Family; Antadze family; Desai family; Sahutoglu family; Khairov family; Ivan & Anastasia; Barbara Alikhani; Poluneev family; Diloram Ibrahimova; Hasson family; Kandelaki family; Amiran Zeniashvili; Brandman family; Panchal family; Warsi family; Austin family; Irian Antia; Celine and Simon Tobelem; Lindy Ackrim; Nigel Meir; Vera Rydnik; Katya Gorbatiouk


An annual £30 subscription fee will support our day to day activities and will entitle you to advance notice of concerts and fundraising events and a twice-yearly newsletter. We encourage donors to set up an annual direct debit.

Click on the DONATE button below and you will have all the information you need to make a donation.